February 2016 Updates

New Features in This Release

  • Case Documents – we have added a document library specifically related to cases.  You can upload case documents in a case which automatically attaches them to the case or you can add a case document from the main document area and assign it to a case.
  • Case Transmittals – You can now create transmittals from the case geared toward the Agent or the Insurance Company.  You have the ability to select which requirements you want to add to the transmittal as well.
  • Upload Folders – we have added a feature in the Documents area to allow the uploading of folders, not just files.

Features Updated in This Release

User Details
  • Contracting Information – we have added a validation for Agency and Agent contracting numbers as well as Effective Dates for both.
  • User Name Creation – when you create a User we have automated the username creation.  This also occurs when uploading Users.
  • Notification Email – We have un-restricted the notification email.   This means you can use the same notification email address for multiple Users.
  • Added Fields – Added Suffix and Designations Fields in User Details.
  • Notes  – Added activity types and user stamping to Notes.  Admin Roles can now add their own activity types as well.
  • Tagging – you can now add tags to a Users profile card, viewable by Agency Roles only.
Case Management
  • Case List View – we have updated the case list with two new tabs, All Cases & cases Assigned to Me.  This allows for better use of a single login utilizing multiple roles.
  • Cases w Follow-ups – this tab now has a filter to allow you to look through all, current, past and future reminders.
  • Case Requirements – we have made the follow-up field private and allowed a the ability to make a requirement private.
  • Historical Requirements – we have added a historical view of the historical updates to status on a case.
  • New Status  – we added a new status, Withdrawn.
eMail Notifications
  • Updated All Templates – we standardized all email templates for a more consistent view of notifications.
  • Messages – we updated the Secure Message notification to include the name of the sender and the subject to more clearly identify the message.

Bugs Fixed in This Release

  • minor field related bugs fixed
  • fixed a bug which changed the case status upon adding a case note
  • fixed the reminders on Appointment Details
  • fixed the Quote Request form when selecting life or annuity
  • fixed send to user notifications
  • improved location of persona cards when hovering of a user’s name