October 2016 Updates

Features Updated in This Release

Case Management
  • Case Lists – we have added infinity scrolling to the case lists lists. This update will help with performance on these pages as well.
Document Management
  • Case Documents – we have added infinity scrolling to the case documents lists. This update will help with performance on these pages as well.
Quote Management
  • Quote Request Info Area – You can now add a note up to 150 characters for each quote you upload to send. This is in addition to the current note you send with the quotes.
  • Quote Lists – We added infinity scrolling to the quote lists. This should also help with page performance.
Agency Information
  • Agency Contacts – we added additional selections to more clearly identify which admin roles are responsible for certain communication and access.

Bugs Fixed in This Release

  • minor field related bugs fixed
  • fixed table column labels in case lists
  • fixed page performance on cases
  • fixed page performance on quotes
  • fixed agency view setting for contracting tips
  • fixed date validation issue for birthdates