Features List

Our Features

Agency CRM

Your Agency/Agent force at your fingertips.

  • Agent Contact Info
  • Agency Contact Info
  • Licensing Information
  • Contracting Information
  • Hierarchy Management
  • Affiliation Tracking
  • Referral Source Tracking
  • Relationships
  • Hobbies
  • Interests
  • Per User Note Taking
  • Basic User Setup
  • Advanced User Settings
  • Viewing Rights Management
  • Realtime Reporting
  • Agent Scorecard
  • Agency Scorecard
  • Sub-Agency CRM Capability
  • List Filtering

Quote Management

Know where your momentum is.

  • Quick Term Quotes
  • Quick GUL Quotes
  • Save Your Quick Quotes
  • Agents Can Run Quotes
  • Agents Can Save Quotes
  • Request Quotes for Agents
  • Receive Quotes From Agents
  • Track Quotes Sent to Agents
  • View Quote History
  • Download Illustrations
  • Hierarchy Can View

Case Management

Connect Agents & Hierarchy to Their Cases

  • Create a Case
  • Assign or Change Case Managers Info
  • Assign or Change Agents
  • Split Commission Cases
  • Add & Edit Requirements
  • Add & Edit Notes
  • Add & Edite Private Notes
  • Set Reminders & Follow-ups
  • Send Case Requirements
  • Attach Documents
  • Case Setup Interview
  • Create a Hot List
  • Advanced Filtering
  • Hierarchy Can View
  • Case Aging View

Contracting Management

Connect Contracting to Cases in Realtime.

  • Create Appointment Requests
  • Track Your Contracting Progress
  • Per Agent Tracking
  • Suggested Contracting Codes
  • View Hierarchy Details
  • Track Agency & Agent Codes
  • Important Document Integration
  • Licensing Integration
  • View & Add Contracting Tips per Company
  • Add & Edit Requirements
  • Add & Edit Notes
  • Send Requirements
  • Attach Documents

Commission Statements

Automate your commission statements.

  • Produce Detailed Commission Statements
  • Automated or Manual Creation
  • Immediate Comp Calculation
  • Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly Cycles
  • Option to Upload and Pay From CSV or Excel
  • Pay Directly From Case Management
  • Payment Cues
  • Reconcile Feature
  • Add Debits or Credits
  • Split Case Management
  • Statements are Viewable Online
  • Statements are Printable
  • Statements are Downloadable

Secure Commission Grids

Protect Your Compensation Strategy.

  • Grids Are Behind a Login on a Secure Site
  • Hierarchy Can View Downline Options
  • Agents Can Only View Their Level
  • Connect To Contracting Codes
  • Customizable Commission Grids
  • Limit Users View of Companies
  • Track Compensation Adjustments
  • Per Company Settings
  • Per Agent or Agency Settings

Other Features

Other Valuable Features in Your Subscription

  • Agent Portal is Included
  • Opportunities Tracking
  • Custom Page Design With Built In CMS
  • Sub-Agency Integration
  • Custom Marketing Content Areas
  • Data Rich Reporting
  • Mobile App Included
  • And More to Come!